Starting the New Year in the Studio 1/3/2018
The new year is here and I’m looking around my studio at a lot of art work in progress, and it’s a good problem to have!
‘The Horned Man of the Sea’ sits patiently on the table. He has been bisque fired, copper carb fired, and is waiting for me to apply a dry finish and epoxy the horns on his head.
I’ve just taken a break from working on ‘Thespian Hero’, the greenware piece on the sculpture stand. It’s a small piece and I often put on jeweler glasses with a light, to work into the tiny crevasses.
The box of completed watercolors is open on the floor waiting for me to sort into those that have been photographed, and those that have not.
“WaterFlowing Underground’ is a clay, bas-relief piece sitting in a plant box on the table. I’ve painted on it in thin layers of oil, but I’m not sure the colors are right…so I’m just sitting with it for a while. That happens with A LOT of work!
There is a dusting of snow on the tree, barely visible outside the window. I’m excited for the new year and all the (hopefully) good work I will create in this space during the next 12 months. Beaumont, the skeleton quietly cheers me on with his silent, toothy grin.